The judicial branch management from the perspective of the ex-councilors:

Analysis of the relationship between the CNJ and the State Court from 2004 to 2013


  • Leonel Gois Lima Oliveira Escola Superior de Magistratura do Estado do Ceará (ESMEC) e do Centro Universitário Christus (Unichristus). É técnico judiciário do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Ceará.



judicial branch, State Courts, National Council for Justice


We sought to analyze the interaction of the CNJ with state courts in the quest for improved efficiency in State Justice from 2004 to 2013 from the perspective of former members of the CNJ. The questions to be answered were: How have the efforts and actions of the state courts adapted to the requirements of the CNJ in order to improve the efficiency of jurisdictional provision? To what extent has there been a convergence of efforts and achievements between the CNJ and the State Courts to order to improve efficiency? Twenty former members of the CNJ were interviewed, and thematic analysis was used as the content analysis technique. The categories established for analysis were related to the predominance of divergence (distrust and resistance), the predominance of convergence (acceptance and integration) and the alternation of scenarios (relativism and context of autonomy). Respondents pointed to a convergence of efforts which gained strength to the extent to which ignorance and mistrust relating to the CNJ were gradually dissipated.



How to Cite

Oliveira, L. G. L. (2022). The judicial branch management from the perspective of the ex-councilors:: Analysis of the relationship between the CNJ and the State Court from 2004 to 2013. Public Sciences & Policies, 5(2), 163–181.


